Useful tips for making maxillary denture. Reproduction of anatomical shape > DENTAL FORUMS

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Dental Restoration Dental Labrotary
Useful tips for making maxillary denture. Reproduction of anatomical shape

Views : 684/ Nov, 04, 2022
To make the tongue feel natural when wearing a maxillary denture, the anatomical shape of the patient's palatal rugae is reproduced on the dentures using tin foil.<dra>


   The Occlusal Rim on the working model.

 Arrangement of artificial teeth on the Record Base.

Reproduce the shape by rubbing tin foil on the rugae of the palate in the working model.

  Place tin foil on the working model, rub it to reproduce its shape, and then carefully separate it.

 Carefully Place the recreated tin foil on the wax denture and seal the margin with wax.


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