Implant in the molar zone of both jaws > DENTAL FORUMS

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Implantology Dental Restoration Dental Labrotary
Implant in the molar zone of both jaws

Views : 1,178/ Jan, 29, 2023

 A 55-year-old female patient had bilateral problems in both jaws.

It was decided to proceed with implant-supported restoration in the left molar part first.

 She had been taking hypertension medication for a long time.

first visit photofirst visit photoPanoramic radiograph before the implant surgery in the lower left area.Panoramic radiograph before the implant surgery in the lower left area.Extraction.Extraction.implant placement in the edentulous area. Arum Dentistry NB1 5*8.5 (10Ncm).implant placement in the edentulous area. Arum Dentistry NB1 5*8.5 (10Ncm).Immediate implant placement, healing abutment engagement. Arum Dentistry NB1 5*10 (30Ncm).Immediate implant placement, healing abutment engagement. Arum Dentistry NB1 5*10 (30Ncm).GBRGBRCollagen membrane Collagen membrane panoramic radiograph. post-op panoramic radiograph. 1 week post-op. 1 week post-op. Upper jaw. Intraoral photo before implant surgery.Upper jaw. Intraoral photo before implant surgery.A maxillary sinus graft was performed 3 months ago.A maxillary sinus graft was performed 3 months ago.Arum Dentistry NB1 5*11.5 (30Ncm) at the first molar zone.Arum Dentistry NB1 5*11.5 (30Ncm) at the first molar zone.Check the orientation of the two implants using the direction pin.Check the orientation of the two implants using the direction pin.Arum Dentistry NB1 5*11.5 (15Ncm) at the second molar zoneArum Dentistry NB1 5*11.5 (15Ncm) at the second molar zoneArum Dentistry NB1 5*11.5 (first molar-30Ncm, second molar-15Ncm).Arum Dentistry NB1 5*11.5 (first molar-30Ncm, second molar-15Ncm).Suture.Suture.. Panoramic radiograph after implant placement in the maxilla.(3 weeks after implant placement in the mandible). Panoramic radiograph after implant placement in the maxilla.(3 weeks after implant placement in the mandible)CBCTCBCT1 week post-op.1 week post-op.Upper ridge-4 weeks post-op. Lower ridge-7 weeks post-op.Upper ridge-4 weeks post-op. Lower ridge-7 weeks post-op.Healing abutment engagement at the second molar zone. (3 months post-op.)Healing abutment engagement at the second molar zone. (3 months post-op.)ISQ reading at the first molar zone.ISQ reading at the first molar zone. ISQ reading at the first molar zone. ISQ reading at the first molar zone.Implant uncovery. 4 months post-op.Implant uncovery. 4 months post-op.Intraoral photo on the day of the ISQ reading in the maxilla.Intraoral photo on the day of the ISQ reading in the maxilla.ISQ reading at the first molar zone of the maxilla.ISQ reading at the first molar zone of the maxilla.ISQ reading at the second molar zone of the maxillaISQ reading at the second molar zone of the maxillaTo create a gingival shape of an appropriate size, HA of a different size from the existing one was applied.To create a gingival shape of an appropriate size, HA of a different size from the existing one was applied.To create a gingival shape of an appropriate size, HA of a different size(diameter and height) from the existing one was applied.To create a gingival shape of an appropriate size, HA of a different size(diameter and height) from the existing one was applied.Custom abutment and crown on the maxillary working model.Custom abutment and crown on the maxillary working model.Custom abutment and crown on the mandibular working model.Custom abutment and crown on the mandibular working model.Abutment connection.Abutment connection.Crown  seating trialCrown seating trial Intraoral photo after cementation. Intraoral photo after cementation.CBCT after cementation of prosthesisCBCT after cementation of prosthesisCBCT after cementation of prosthesisCBCT after cementation of prosthesisPanoramic radiograph after 1 year of the crown delivery.Panoramic radiograph after 1 year of the crown delivery.CBCT. 1 year after crown delivery.CBCT. 1 year after crown delivery.CBCT. 1 year after crown delivery.CBCT. 1 year after crown delivery.
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