Immediate implant placement in the left molar of the maxilla. > DENTAL FORUMS

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Implantology Dental Restoration Dental Labrotary
Immediate implant placement in the left molar of the maxilla.

Views : 1,101/ Jan, 19, 2023

 A 57-year-old male patient recently underwent implant restoration on the maxillary right molar. This time, he is scheduled to proceed with the left molars.  
(ARUM implant system)

 Pre-op panoramic radiograph (upper left molar area) Pre-op panoramic radiograph (upper left molar area) Pre-op panoramic radiograph (upper left molar area) Pre-op panoramic radiograph (upper left molar area)When the old crown was removed it seemed hopeless and surgical extraction was performedWhen the old crown was removed it seemed hopeless and surgical extraction was performedExtraction socketExtraction socket2 implants were placed.  ArumDentistry NB1 5*10 (30Ncm) in the 1st molar and 5*10 (10Ncm) in the 2nd molar.2 implants were placed. ArumDentistry NB1 5*10 (30Ncm) in the 1st molar and 5*10 (10Ncm) in the 2nd molar.Direction pin engagement to verify the position and direction of the implant.Direction pin engagement to verify the position and direction of the implant.Photo after carefully pulling out the direction pin after GBR.Photo after carefully pulling out the direction pin after GBR.HA+collagen membraneHA+collagen membraneHA was inserted into the membrane with a hole in the middle and then inserted into the place where the Direction Pin was pulled outHA was inserted into the membrane with a hole in the middle and then inserted into the place where the Direction Pin was pulled outSuture.Suture.Post-op. panoramic radiograph.Post-op. panoramic radiograph.Post-op. CBCTPost-op. CBCT1 week post-op.1 week post-op.2 weeks post-op.2 weeks post-op.4 weeks post-op.4 weeks post-op.20 weeks post-op. photo before uncovery.20 weeks post-op. photo before after implant after implant uncovery.ISQ reading on the day of uncovery day.ISQ reading on the day of uncovery day.ISQ reading ISQ reading Photo on the day of impression taking.Photo on the day of impression taking.Impression taking and bite registration taking after the connection of the bite-exclusive abutment.Impression taking and bite registration taking after the connection of the bite-exclusive abutment.customized abutment and zirconia crown from the dental lab.customized abutment and zirconia crown from the dental lab.Photo on the day of restoration delivery.Photo on the day of restoration delivery.Abutment connectionAbutment connectionProsthesis seating trial.Prosthesis seating trial.Prosthesis cementation and access hole fillingProsthesis cementation and access hole fillingPanoramic radiograph after prosthesis deliveryPanoramic radiograph after prosthesis deliveryCBCTCBCT
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